Francesco Chiocchio
Ph.D. student in Economics, CEMFI
Francesco Chiocchio
I am Ph.D. student in Economics at CEMFI . My fields of research are Macroeconomics, Public Economics, and Family Economics. I am interested in understanding the interplay between government policies, living arrangements, and household formation.

References: Nezih Guner (Main Advisor), Pedro Mira, and Josep Pijoan-Mas.

Job Market Paper

Marital Decline: The Role of House Prices and Parental Coresidence

Abstract  Working paper 

Working Papers

Why Not Tax It? The Effects of Property Taxes on House Price and Homeownership

Abstract  Working paper 

Opioids and Post-COVID Labor Force Participation

w/ Jeremy Greenwood , Nezih Guner, and Karen A. Kopecky
Abstract  Working paper 


Graduate (at CEMFI):